Normally I do my own dirty work but for whatever reason, call it a gut feeling, today I decided to do a little extra research and I ran across an organization called the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau or CFPB. They work as a middleman between you and the debt collector and work to get your issue resolved.
In my complaint, I made no admission to owing the alleged debt or any promises to pay. I simply stated that I had recorded transcripts of the company’s illegal collection tactics and that if they didn’t cease and desist all communications with me immediately, that I would seek legal action against them.
This is where Google-voice really comes in handy. With Google-voice, all voice-mails are recorded and can be downloaded to your computer as an mp3 file which can be used as proof of the illegal collection practices being used against you. In the case of my CFPB complaint, I was able to upload the mp3 files that I saved to my computer directly into their online complaint form!
Don’t just think of the CFPB as an intermediary. Each complaint submitted to the CFPB is shared with several local, state and federal agencies that oversee collection tactics by unscrupulous companies that illegally harass consumers about unpaid debts, even if the debt does not belong to you.
I took a more aggressive stance in my complaint by threatening legal action because I have a “no fear” attitude, but you may want to communicate in a less aggressive tone and hammer out some type of payment arrangement with them. I’m just providing the information. How you choose to use it is completely up to you.
The more complaints that we submit as consumers to organizations such as the CFPB and Federal Trade Commission, (FTC) the greater the chance we’ll have of getting some of these low life companies shut down or at least fined enough to make them collect unpaid debts by the letter of the law.
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