Credit Inquiries Are Overrated

Ask any finance professional about credit inquiries and most will tell you that multiple credit inquiries are very damaging to your credit and credit scores. And although there is some truth to that statement, it is nowhere near the doom and gloom that they make it out to be.

How do I know? It’s because I’ve tested this theory time and time again and the credit score drop that you experience if any, is very minimal…usually between two and five points and it’s only temporary. Your score will shoot back up in just a few weeks like nothing ever happened.

My credit is still a work in progress and I was able to get approved for over 10 unsecured credit cards. I would never have been able to accomplish this if I were not willing to risk credit inquiries to get there. The key is finding out what works and what doesn’t in order to build a baseline so you know not to repeat the same mistake twice.

Now, you can’t just go “willy nilly” all over the place applying for credit anywhere and everywhere hoping that someone will approve you. You have to have a plan. The good news is that I’ve done the work for you. You can reap the benefits of my mistakes so that you don’t have to repeat them.

I have compiled a list of places that grant easy credit approvals…most of which have already been discussed on my blog but there are many more out there that for whatever reason serve me no purpose but you might find them useful. Examples are women’s clothing stores, online furniture outlets, craft, and specialty stores. The list is almost endless if you know where to look.

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