Nearing the end of the month and running low on cash, I found myself once again in the precarious position of having to do another payday loan shuffle. As stated in a previous post, shuffling is what happens when you have more than one payday loan and you’re forced to shuffle all over town to pay them all.
Well, recently I went to my favorite store to renew my loan and found out that after going there for a couple years that they had changed the rules on me while trying to pretend that the rules had always been in place. If you’ve ever shuffled before then you know that shufflers don’t like change.
Keep in mind that loan amounts vary from state to state and where I’m located this particular store allowed me to borrow up to $700 at a time on a monthly loan. From years of shuffling, I’ve learned that monthly loans are much less stressful than bi-weekly loans. I’d rather do 12 shuffles a year than 24…its just common sense.
Having said that, this time when I went to take out my newest loan, the store manager who I’d built up a positive business relationship with over several months informed me that I was now only eligible to borrow $350 a month based on my income. Wait, WHAT???
I then informed her that I started out at $300 a month and had worked up to the $700 by “building trust” over time. These were the rules that her employees had been following for at least the 2 years that I’d been dealing with them.
The manager tells me that she was not aware that her employees were performing business in this manner and that it was against company policy to do so and starting today I’d only be eligible to borrow $350 but because I’ve been a good customer she’d be willing to let me borrow $500.
Not only was she flat out lying about not knowing that her employees were doing business this way, but she herself had also given me loans based on this very same trust-building principle. Furthermore, if this activity was going on for years on her watch and without her knowledge, then that makes her the worst kind of manager!
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