It is always a good idea to keep all your credit cards at least minimally active, even if you pay the entire balance off on your next due date. The reason for this is because a lot of credit card companies will either reduce your credit limit or close the account altogether.
I have a credit card from the “Express Men’s” store that started with a credit limit of $500, was raised to $650, then due to a couple of years of next to no activity on the card, they lowered my credit limit to just $100. They have since raised it incrementally to $850 but in some cases, they will simply just close the account.
In an attempt to be proactive, I recently purchased a few items from their online clearance selection and a nice pair of black chelsea boots just to show a little activity. My hope is that my debt to income ratio will improve enough in the near future and lead to higher credit limits and a higher credit score.
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