When my phone rings I already know it’s some payday loan company looking for money. When I initially got the loans, I had every intention of paying them back but when things got tight I was forced to make sacrifices and the loans were the first to go… and that’s when the calls started.
In the beginning, I used to answer the phone just to tell them that I didn’t have the money to pay right now but if things got better for me financially, then I would. All that did was start a round of suggestions of how they thought I could pay them back when I had just told them that I couldn’t pay a dime right now.
Then it hit me. Why not ignore the calls altogether and just go about my business? The plan sounded simple enough so that’s what I started doing and before I knew it, the calls slowed down to the point where my phone barely rang at all.
You see, every time you talk to them you’re just confirming that you’re still breathing and your contact information is correct. When you don’t respond, they don’t know what to think, but every now and then I get curious and want to know who the hell keeps calling me!
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